Colombia La Palma El Tucan San Isidro

Green Grapes, Golden Kiwi, Creamy Macadamia


Ines is 60 years old, and have been producing Coffee for the last 20 years. She bought her farm along with her husband and started producing coffee as familiar tradition. El Porvenir is a 1-hectare estate where Ines has at least 1600 coffee plants, mainly Castillo variety. She also diversifies her income by producing plantain and citric fruits.

Ines has 4 children, two of them help her on the farm, they do the maintenance and other farming labors. Their other 2 are independent and work in the urban area.

Before joining the Neighbors & Crops program Ines used to sell her coffee to local buyers and to the National Coffee Federation. Furthermore, she told us that he found very difficult to do the wet and drying process as it took a lot of his time and it was even worse in rainy seasons.

With the Neighbors & Crops program, LPET offers her their trained team of pickers during harvest, transport the coffee cherries to LPET’s wet mill, and because of her lack of processing infrastructure, she no longer has to hurriedly find a way to process and dry her cherries.

LPET’s Lactic fermentation is a controlled process that creates an environment allowing for the growth of Lactic Acid bacteria. The process occurs under anaerobic conditions and constant measurement of the oxygen level, sugar content, and pH. The bacteria feed on sugars clinging to the coffee parchment, generating high concentrations of lactic acid that impacts the coffee’s flavor profile. After the desired pH is achieved, the coffee is soaked in clean water to stop the growth of the bacteria and then dried for at least 15 days.


Roaster’s Notes: 

We are fans of La Palma El Tucan, the people that made Sidra varietal famous and took the competition world by storm. It’s definitely a dream of ours to one day be able to roast and offer their famed Sidra coffee but that’s for another day. For now, we would like to introduce you to glimpse of La Palma El Tucan and the quality and processing finesse of their Lactic process thru their Neighbor & Crops program. In this Castillo varietal, the highlight of this coffee is definitely it’s incredibly rich, creamy and silky texture. Top that with a fruit forward profile and a mild pleasant acidity and you get a very good cup of coffee


Area: Anatoli, Cundinamarca
Process: Lactic
Varietal: Castillo
Altitude: 1600m

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